In the November agency meeting, we had a fun and a very insightful personality quiz session! There are 16 types of personalities in total, and depending on your basic tendencies, you are each assigned a specific colour. On top of that, they give you an even more detailed breakdown of your unique traits.
This personality mascots are certainly one for the Louvre don’t you think? They look a little like a cubist painting with a little tweak here and there…sorry Pablo.
The interesting thing is, we had a colony of greens in this agency! Greens are personality traits linked with amiableness, and value harmony. No wonder why we’re such a family. Squad goals. Tomo.
With further ado, here is the link to the website!
Go on take it! We’d absolutely love to hear how you were analysed.
We also took a closer look at our very own website this month to check that it’s running smoothly. Funashi-san has uncovered that we’re getting the most visitors from Japan, followed by France.