Effie審査員のご縁で、 香港中文大学ジャーナリズム&コミュニケーション学部の学生20人とMikeさんがBBDO JAPANオフィスに来社。
・What is the department or faculty that the students belong to?
→The students are from the School of Journalism & Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
・What year are they in university?
→Amongst the 20 students, 17 of them are taking the Master of Social Science in Advertising. The other 3 are 3rd and 4th year undergraduates taking Journalism & Communication as their major.
・What is the main purpose of their visit to Japan?
→The main purpose of the visit is for the students to get exposure to the marketing communication landscape of one of the most sophisticated market in the world. The visits covers Design Thinking workshop, Consumer Strategy & Trends, History of advertising in Japan, ArtTech Experience, Creative Development, MarTech & AI, as well as Marketing Management.
1.Introduction of BBDO and our methodology -Kaori
2.Case Study -Snickers -Taki
3.2025 Trend Report -Aya